No More False Starts for our U8's | Bayside is raring to Go!!

12 Jul 2020 by Belinda Martoo

Greetings fellow Baysiders.

Has anyone tried Yoga? I am sure their are some among us mum’s and dad’s who love it, can do the splits and look down on their dog while greeting the sun.

Not me, not one bit, I desire to be that flexible, especially when I am chasing my 7 and 5 year old who keep pestering about when the football’s going to start at Bayside?!!

Well I have good, no, GREAT news. No hesitations this time the Football for our young lads and lasses is back from Monday.

Whilst I am not physically flexible, I try to be as flexible in other ways as I can. We have all had to be over the last few months, life’s changed, a few times for some, and may not be the same again.

And so it goes for our football season.

As Manager’s/Parent’s I am giving you guys the details…as many as I can, so you can feed this info back to your teams.
SO here goes…

My mobile no: 0420233771. Please call with any queries, questions, or home brew tips lol

TRAINING for U’8’s is organised for the following teams:
Bayside Eagles – 5pm – 6pm Tuesday
Red Devils 5pm – 6pm Monday
Ninja’s 4.30pm – 5.30pm Thursday
Tornadoes 4.30pm – 5.30pm Thursday
Tigers 5pm – 6pm Friday


TRAINING commences Monday 13th July 2020.

You are welcome to come along next week or wait until the week after…up to you.

PLAYING commences Saturday 25th July 2020. ($5 dollars per game payable to the manager on the day.)

Under 8’s will play at 8am Saturday.

The season will run in the following way:

25th July to 19th September (inclusive).

One weekend break 26th September.

All Games (Under 6’s, Under 7’s and Under 8’s) will then SHIFT to Friday nights from the 6th October until 28th November. This is to accommodate the start of summer sports.

We have received a directive from Football Brisbane that if players aren’t registered and paid or have entered into an agreement to pay in instalments, we are not allowed to accommodate them at the club for training or game play.

PLEASE…If you have any players in this situation who want to play, again, please get them to call or email me. We want as many players as we can get playing football.

Of course there are COVID-19 restrictions and they are as follows:

There is to be no parking inside the grounds of the club. The car park is off limits. Please park on the street. This is to ensure we are aware of people arriving and can direct them to the sign-on sheets and hand-sanitizer.

There will be a table for you to register attendance at matched, as I am sure you have had to do at Cafes, restaurants etc. This is for contact tracing purposes should the undesirable happen and we need to get in touch with people.

Please complete the COVID Training by following the link I sent in my earlier email.

We ask that one parent per child attend at the side-line. The other parent is welcome to have a coffee at the clubhouse.

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